July 19, 2007 Regular Meeting
Invocation Pledge of Allegiance Call to Order1. Attendance Minutes: Present: Carol Vallencourt, District No. 1; Carol Studdard, District No. 2; Charles Van Zant, Sr., Interim Board Member for District No. 3; Wayne Bolla, District 4; and Lisa Graham, District No. 5. Superintendent David Owens was also present for the meeting.
Consent AgendaSuperintendent
2. C-1 Minutes of student disciplinary hearings, special pupil request hearings and Regular meeting on June 21, 2007; Insurance Workshop and Special meeting on June 26, 2007; and Strategic Plan Workshop-Special meeting on June 26, 2007 Attachment: Jun2107.pdf Attachment: Jun2107Disc.pdf (Confidential Item) Attachment: Jun2107SPR.pdf Attachment: Jun2607Ins.pdf Attachment: Jun2607StratPlan.pdf
Deputy Superintendent
3. C-2 Bradford County Agreement for 2007-2008 Attachment: Bradford County Agreement - 2007-2008.pdf
4. C-3 Proposed Staff Allocation Changes - 2007-2008 Attachment: Proposed Staff Allocation Changes for 2007-2008 - 07-19-07.pdf
Human Resources
5. C-4 Revised Support Employee Performance Evaluation Form Attachment: supportemployeeeval.pdf Attachment: Rationale Revised Support EE Eva Form 2007 Brd 7-19-07.pdf
6. C-5 Personnel Consent Agenda Attachment: PersonnelConsentAgenda0707.pdf
7. C-6 Interinstitutional Articulation Agreement (Dual Enrollment)(Revised) Attachment: Interinstitutional Artic. Agreement (Dual Enrollment)-2007-08-Board Backup July 19, 2007.pdf
8. C-7 Co-Enrollee list for June 2007 Attachment: Co-enrollee list for June 2007.pdf (Confidential Item)
9. C-8 Art Enrichment Contract with Lori Butler as Director Attachment: Art Enrichment Contract.doc
10. C-9 Student Travel Attachment: Student Travel-Board Backup-July 19, 2007.pdf
11. C-10 2007-2008 Full Service Schools Contract between the School Board of Clay County and the Clay County Health Department Attachment: CCHD FSS Contract.pdf Attachment: CCHD FSS Standard Contract SchHealth.pdf
12. C-11 2007-2008 Admissions and Placement Manual included as School Board Policy. Attachment: Table of Contents 07-08 Admissions & Placement Manual.pdf
13. C-12 2007-2008 Contract between the School Board of Clay County and Clay Behavioral Health Center for Secondary level SAP Counselors pending receipt of 2007-2008 grant funding Attachment: CBHC S.A.P. CONTRACT.pdf
14. C-13 2007-2008 Interagency Agreement between the School Board of Clay County and Clay Behavioral Health Center regarding Secondary level SAP Counselors Attachment: CBHC SDFS IA AGREEMENT.pdf
15. C-14 2007-2008 Interagency Integrated Services Agreement between the School Board of Clay County and Clay Behavioral Health Center Attachment: CCBH IA INTEGRATED SERVICES .pdf
16. C-15 2007-2008 Contract between the School Board of Clay County and SeaSide Health Services Attachment: SeaSide Health.pdf
17. C-16 2007-2008 Interagency Agreement between the School Board of Clay County and The Young Men's Christian Association of Florida's First Coast, Inc. and Take Stock in Children Attachment: YMCA.pdf
18. C-17 Blackboard Monitoring and Maintenance Contract Attachment: 071207 Mtg BLACKBOARD MONITORING CONTRACT.pdf
19. C-18 2007-2008 Agreement between th School Board of Clay County and the Clay County Health Department regarding School Health Services Attachment: CCHD Health Services.pdf
20. C-19 Consolidated Federal Projects: Title I, II-A, II-D, III, IV and V. 21. C-20 2007-2008 Safety and Education Articulation Agreement between the School Board of Clay County, the City Council of the City of Green Cove Springs, and the Green Cove Springs Police Department Attachment: GCSPD SEAA.pdf
22. C-21 Consultant Services for Lisa Rogers, Math Solutions consultant, for math training at Fleming Island Elementary on August 14, 2007 Attachment: Lisa Rogers
23. C-22 Consultant Services for Kathryn Robinson, Math Solutions consultant, for training at Lakeside Elementary School on August 17, 2007 Attachment: Kathryn Robinson
24. C-23 Consultant Services for Kathie Cloonan for a Guided Reading workshop for Grove Park Elementary and Doctors Inlet Elementary on October 19, 2007. Attachment: Kathy Cloonan
Business Affairs
25. C-24 Monthly Property Report - June, 2007 - Furniture/Equipment Attachment: Furniture-Equipment Report-June, 07.pdf
26. C-25 Monthly Property Report - June, 2007 - AV Materials Attachment: Audiovisual Report-June, 07.pdf
27. C-26 Monthly Property Report - June, 2007 - Software Attachment: Software Report-June, 07.pdf
28. C-27 Monthly Property Report - June, 2007 - Vehicles Attachment: Vehicles Report-June, 07.pdf
29. C-28 Deletion of Certain Items Report - July, 2007 Attachment: Monthly Deletion Report-July, 07.pdf
30. C-29 Warrants and Vouchers for JUNE, 2007 Attachment: WARRANTS AND VOUCHERS.xls
31. C-30 Food & Nutrition Ala carte Prices for 2007-2008 School Year Attachment: SFS20070709160022049.pdf
32. C-31 Ratification of Contract between School Board of Clay County, Florida and Lunch Byte, Inc. Attachment: nutrikids20070702112356447.pdf
33. C-32 Resolution of Intent to Participate in Sec. 212.12 F.S. Classroom Technology Purchases and Training Attachment: rat20070709163412864.pdf
34. C-33 Bid Renewals To Be Awarded 35. C-34 Write Off NSF Checks at CHE, AES, and LAE Support Services
36. C-35 Pre-Qualification of Contractors Attachment: Contractor List, 7,19,07.pdf
37. C-36 Charles E. Bennett Elementary School Substantial Completion Attachment: Substantial Completion, CEB Ph I Construction.pdf
Adoption of Consent Agenda38. Adoption of all remaining Consent Items Minutes: Consent Item #C-10 was withdrawn by staff. No Consent Items were moved to Discussion.
Motions: | Approve the Consent Items as presented, with the exception of those moved to Discussion or deleted. | - PASS | | Vote Results | Motion: Lisa Graham | Second: Carol Studdard | Wayne Bolla | - Aye | Lisa Graham | - Aye | Carol Studdard | - Aye | Carol Vallencourt | - Aye | Charles VanZant, Sr | - Aye |
Recognitions and Awards39. Recognition of Retirees Attachment: 2007Retirees.pdf Minutes: Linda Lancaster, Director of Support Personnel, recognized retirees who were present for the meeting and each was presented with a certificate by Superintendent Owens.
Scheduled Citizen Requests Presenters40. PBS & J to present a check to the Clay High School Science Department Minutes: Michael Holcomb, PBS&J Office Leader, presented a $10,000 Foundation Grant to the Clay High School Science Department. PBS&J is an engineering firm that provides comprehensive consulting services in the areas of engineering, planning, construction management, surveying and mapping, architecture, landscape architecture, as well as other areas. Sherman O'Brien, Science Department Head at Clay High School, was present to accept the award.
Discussion AgendaDeputy Superintendent
41. Public Hearing - CCSB Policy 4.61, School Request of Payment from Students Attachment: CCSB Policy 4.61 - School Request of Payment from Students.pdf Minutes: The public hearing was held with no one present to speak to the item.
Motions: | Approve this policy as submitted. | - PASS | | Vote Results | Motion: Carol Studdard | Second: Lisa Graham | Wayne Bolla | - Aye | Lisa Graham | - Aye | Carol Studdard | - Aye | Carol Vallencourt | - Aye | Charles VanZant, Sr | - Aye |
Human Resources
42. Division of Human Resources - Special Actions Attachment: Resignation.pdf (Confidential Item)
Motions: | Approve the Disciplinary Action as presented. | - PASS | | Vote Results | Motion: Charles VanZant, Sr | Second: Lisa Graham | Wayne Bolla | - Aye | Lisa Graham | - Aye | Carol Studdard | - Aye | Carol Vallencourt | - Aye | Charles VanZant, Sr | - Aye |
Business Affairs
43. Group Insurance Rates for Plan A and Plan B and the continuation of the Web Enrollment Program provided by Unum Provident Minutes: Sheila Gann, Coordinator of Health Benefits, briefly reviewed the changes. Medical benefits were renewed with Aetna Insurance Company with a 15.1% increase. There was a slight decrease in premiums for Life insurance with a new carrier. The Vision plan was enhanced with no increases and the Dental plan was renewed with no changes other than a slight premium increase.
Motions: | Approve the Committee's recommendations for Plan A Health Insurance, Group Term Life & AD & D, Short Term Disability, Long Term Disability, Daily Accident and Injury Policy, Dental, Vision and Plan B coverages (employees with no health insurance), and the continuation of the Web Enrollment Program provided by Unum Provident. | - PASS | | Vote Results | Motion: Lisa Graham | Second: Carol Studdard | Wayne Bolla | - Aye | Lisa Graham | - Aye | Carol Studdard | - Aye | Carol Vallencourt | - Aye | Charles VanZant, Sr | - Aye |
44. Advertisement of the 2007-2008 Tentative Budget and Millages Attachment: Budget Presentation Jul1907.pdf Minutes: Dr. George Copeland, Assistant Superintendent for Business Affairs, reviewed the rolled-back calculation and explained that a tax increase will be advertised for a 4.97% increase over the rolled-back rate.
Motions: | Approve advertisement of the 2007-08 Tentative Budget and Millages as presented. | - PASS | | Vote Results | Motion: Charles VanZant, Sr | Second: Carol Studdard | Wayne Bolla | - Aye | Lisa Graham | - Aye | Carol Studdard | - Aye | Carol Vallencourt | - Aye | Charles VanZant, Sr | - Aye |
Support Services
45. Schematic (Phase I) Plans and Specifications for High School “QQQ” 46. School Name for High School "QQQ" Attachment: HighSchoolNames.doc
Motions: | Motion to name High School "QQQ" - Oakleaf High School. | - PASS | | Vote Results | Motion: Carol Studdard | Second: Lisa Graham | Wayne Bolla | - Aye | Lisa Graham | - Aye | Carol Studdard | - Aye | Carol Vallencourt | - Aye | Charles VanZant, Sr | - Aye |
Presentations from the Audience47. Sandra Goldman Minutes: Ms. Goldman spoke on behalf of the Clay Action Network, a citizens group, regarding the vacant position in the school district for a Coordinator of Planning. She urged the Board to consider holding a broader nation-wide search in order to get the best qualified candidates.
48. Mike Ford Minutes: Mr. Ford, who is a teacher at Oakleaf School, urged the Board to consider making Cross Country an official sport at the junior high level and to establish a supplement for the position.
49. Ken Carter Minutes: Mr. Carter addressed the Board on behalf of the Clay Educational Staff Professionals Association regarding the need for more custodians.
50. Constance Higginbotham Minutes: Ms. Higginbotham addressed the Board on behalf of the Clay County Education Association regarding the budget shortfall. She emphasized the fact that the Florida Legislature has a constitutional obligation to adequately fund public education.
Superintendent Requests51. Workshop on High School "QQQ" (Oakleaf High School) Minutes: Because of the size and scope of the High School "QQQ" project, Superintendent Owens felt the Board might like to have another workshop to discuss the design plans and specifications and for the opportunity to ask questions about other issues pertaining to the new high school. The workshop was set for Wednesday, August 8, 2007 at 5:00 p.m. August 9th was identified as a backup date. Mr. Elliott will make sure the architect and design team are present at this workshop.
School Board's Requests52. Proposal for Legislative Services Attachment: Mixon & Assoc.pdf Minutes: Mrs. Vallencourt distributed packets from Mixon and Associates consisting of a proposal for legislative services. She asked that Board Members review the packet and be prepared to discuss this further at another meeting.
53. School Planning/Concurrency Meeting Minutes: Mr. Elliott announced that a School Planning Meeting will be held on August 8th. The meeting will include the Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners and the Chairman of the School Board, as well as the affected staff from both Boards. An update of the School Concurrency process will be discussed at this time. It was noted that this is not a public meeting.
54. School Calendar Minutes: Due to the controversy over the later start date for the 2007-08 school year and its effect on the payroll calendar, it was noted for the record that the State Legislature mandated the school year not begin more than 10 days prior to the Labor Day holiday. This was not a local decision.
Adjournment (The meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m.) |